Sunday, October 29, 2006

Further Still Life Studies - 2003

Bottles - a study in transparency and reflective surfaces.
Chosen by Les and Jimmy. Les has been a special friend for many years - since schooling together!

Bottles - Anna's
Painted directly in acrylic to allow rapid and free application of brush marks. Unusual for me to have tackled the whole composition as I am attracted to cropped images that leave a little for the viewer to work out.

Jars - one of Anna's selection.
A study in form and perspective set up by Barbara who kept us going with veiled threats and cups of coffee. Monica and I joined Marc whose drawing was always inspirational. I think Monica may have her painting posted too - see link below.

Small study in Blue - chosen by Bron.

Burnt sienna - a wonderful colour for tonal studies.
One of a selection made by friend and colleague, Anna.

Painted on primed heavy duty cardboard, this small acrylic study is owned by fellow painter and friend Monica. It's an unusual subject for me. As my craft and teaching specialism involves the reproduction of flowers, I draw and notate small, detailed botanical studies quite often and therefore would look for change in larger, more painterly pieces.


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